Marylou Naccarato
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Bridging the gap

Together through shared experiences, we can empower ourselves to heighten the quality of our lives. I look forward to hearing from you!

— Dr. Marylou

Do you live with a disability?
Chronic illness, recovering from an injury or surgery, cancer, heart attack, stroke, normal progression of aging, medication, declining physical stamina, stress, and your overall mental health are all possible health conditions that can limit the quality of your everyday SEX life unless you make a conscious decision to raise your level of “Sexability.”

— Dr. Marylou

click image for Dr. Marylou's printable brochure.


Clinical Sexologist/Sexuality Educator Consultation —
Individuals and Couples

Private and confidential individual or couples consultation to evaluate and promote your sexual wellness. We discuss your needs in a safe, non-judgmental setting. Consultations are a mix of the following elements and is NOT therapy or counseling.

  1. Re-directive cognitive processes and mental reframing
  2. Emotional balancing
  3. Intuitive guidance
  4. Behavioral training
  5. Resources and referrals

Dr. Marylou Speaking – Trainings, Groups, & Workshops

Dr. Marylou frequently conducts entertaining and sexually explicit resourceful group workshops for various disability groups, medical rehab facilities, and trainings for students and professional clinicians in the fields of Sexology, Sex Therapy, and Physical Rehabilitation.

She introduces fun interactive exercises, creative techniques, sex positions, and a variety of adult devices that are suited to a wide range of mobility seeking to achieve optimal fulfillment in sexual expression. She will design an individualized Sexuality Education program to meet the needs of your group.

Email Dr. Marylou and schedule your Consultation or Workshop today!

Client Reading:

Dr'Marylou's "Heighten Your Sensuality & Intimacy" brochure.
Basic Sexual Rights – PDF format

Dr. Marylou Naccarato,, and its contents herein is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not professional medical advice, sex therapy, or counseling. Dr. Marylou does not advocate doing any sexual activity that is painful, uncomfortable, or against the instruction of your medical doctor. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, or any other situation, in which you require medical or professional help. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of what was stated during a consultation or something you have read on her website.

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